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Ag Sinter Paste_InFORCE™MF_Jar


Silver Sintering

  • Proven fast sintering with excellent joint strength
  • Pressureless sintering solution with pressurized sintering capabilities
  • Controllable bondline thickness from 30-70µm
  • Versatile sintering profiles
  • Voiding <1%*
  • Porosity <30%*

Main Product

  • The silver sintering pastes are high metal-loading materials designed to fit easily into a dispense process with no change of deposition equipment.
  • The pastes can also use fast “reflow-like” (RFL) sintering processes<l to form strong joints on many standard leadframe,
    DBC, and IPM pad finishes, and will bond strongly to die with Ag, Au, or Cu surfaces.

    ※Please refer to the “INDIUM” website above for product types and technology status.

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